Jenkins Mac Slave Communication Setup
Jenkins Slave (Mac) Setup:- Go to Manage Jenkins and Select Manage Nodes Click on New Node Give the node name Give the executors Give the Remote Root Directory Specify a label name, For example: any custom name Select the launch method as: Launch agent via Java Web Start Click on Save, once done with above steps. Below the output, we see once after saving the changes. To start Mac Slave communication for Jenkins server Create a script for running the java JNLP from slave machine using the below content mentioned in the box. java -jar /Users/ssp/Downloads/slave.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 4c0a0370a9e9a46edfe939ccab0e9f4707715bd663587ab8c9e8e17287c1cf4c -workDir "/Users/ssp/jenkins" Put the above content in a script (ex: - Give executable permissions to the script (ex: - chmod +x Now To m...