GitHub Administration

How to give access or create a account in GitHub 


  1. Login to the GitHub as Admin
  2. Look for site admin at left side
  3. Click on "Invite User"
  4. Give Username and Email id
Once User is created, An email will sent to the user, he can then access to the git hub.

How to add a new git hub member to the repository inside a organisation


  1. Login to the GitHub as Admin
  2. Go to the Organisation and Repository inside the organisation
  3. Click on Settings tab
  4. Select the "Collaborators & Teams" tab at left side
  5. Look for the "teams" and click on the same.

How to check the Git hub user permissions for a repository inside an organisation


  1. Login to the GitHub as Admin
  2. Go to the Organisation and Repository inside the organisation
  3. Click on Settings tab
  4. Select the "Collaborators & Teams" tab at left side
  5. Look for the "teams" and click on the same.
  6. Select any user
  7. Click on the "Manage access" with respect to the repository
  8. Check for Member Privilages

How to send a link for "reset password"


  1. Login to the Git Hub Account as admin
  2. Find the user (For whom, you want to send reset password link)
  3. Click on Site Admin (Rocket Symbol)
  4. Click on the Emails Tab
  5. Look for the password reset and click on "Send password reset" button.
  6. You will find the link above the page, You can directly send the link to the user for password reset.

How to create a Personal access tokens


  1. Login to the Git Hub Account
  2. Got to Settings which is at Right corner at User Side
  3. Click on Developer Settings at left side pane
  4. Click on Personal access tokens
  5. Click on "Generate new token" button
  6. Select all the related access
  7. Click Create Token

How to check whether the repository is Private Or Public


  1. Login to the GitHub account as Admin
  2. Click on repository
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Look for Danger zone ( If repo is pubic, Then we will see the below message)

Make this repository private

Hide this repository from the public.

How to delete a branch in both from local and remote repo.


  1. Login to the command line ( terminal)
  2. Run the below commands
For removing the branch from local repo
$ git branch -D <branch-name>
For removing the branch from remote repo
$ git push origin --delete <branch-name>


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